jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015


At the end of the 15th century, pray gained a commercial value, because they had to pay taxes for it.

All monks in that times lived in monasteries. They had a manuscript with rules, they cannot speak, so they had a signal language. Most of the signals in that laguage were about food, because they had a lot of food.
They prayed and work, because they thought God was going to listen to them.
The monasteries had different rooms. Its architecture was simple, they were made of stone and the had simple pillows and pointed arches. The walls were white. Inside the monasteries, the monks decorated the walls with religious paintings.

They had to feed themshelves, so they cultivated crops and practised bee-keeping.
They wrote manuscripts by hand, a very hard word.

There were fightmen outside, it was a bad world because there were wars.

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