jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015

                                           THE NAME OF THE ROSE:     

-This film from the 14th Century is about an abbey of benedictine monks which follows the  motto "Ora et labora" (pray and work). This abbey is situated between the south of France and the north of Italy. During the film they occur  several crimes, and so the abbot called a very clever Franciscan monk for his help with the crimes. Finally he resolve the crimes.
The story is developed around the library due to the fact that it is full of very important manuscripts.

-During the film you can see the daily life of the monks inside  the abbey. The monks distributed the time between prayers and some different labours organised by the abbot, keeping the liturgical hours (hours at which they pray following the rule of St. Benedict) that according to the month in which the flim is developed (November) they are the following:

  • Matins: between 2:30 and 3:00 a.m.
  • Lauds: between 5:00 and 6:00 a.m.
  • Prime: around 7.30 a.m.
  • Terce: at 9:00 a.m.
  • Sext: while they have lunch
  • None: between 14:00 and 15:00 p.m.
  • Vespers: around 16:30 while they have dinner
  • Compline: around 18:00 p.m.
-The different labours they make during the film are:
  • Copy manuscripts in the Scriptorum: this activity is make by the most literate monks.

  •  Recolecting medicinal plants:  is done by a person called The Apothecary.
  • The rest of the monks dedicate their time with other activities like: Working on the arable lands, cooking and caring for livestock.

-The monks eat all together at the Refectory. They have to eat in silence while one of them reads some christian texts. 

-They sleep in individual cells and they go to sleep at seven o'clock p.m..

-In the film you can also see how some processes of the inquisition take place inside the main abbey conducted by other monks sent by the Pope. This is done because they think that there can be some heretics persons.


      The clergy was very important and influetial for society so, the Catholic Church became the most unifying and universal institution.

      The Pope was powerful and he also was the spiritual leader, administrator and legislator (made laws).

     The bishops were appointed by the Pope. They could conduct wedding ceremonies, heard confessions, give absolution, etc.

     The priests never used to pay taxes and were not very well educated (they could read or write). They could also, as the bishops, listen to people confessions and they helped in the collection of taxes. The people in that ages thought they were the best medicine because of pure socery.

    The monks took an important part in the Middle Ages. They were well educated and worked in the monasteries copying and reading the Bible. Monks dedicated their daily lifes worshiping God, sewing, teaching and doing medicine. If in that times you wanted to be a monk, you had to give all your possesions, stay single and obey to your supperior.

     There were also nuns, who praise to God. They took care of poor people and gave traet to the sick ones. Nuns also took care of orphans or educated children.


At the end of the 15th century, pray gained a commercial value, because they had to pay taxes for it.

All monks in that times lived in monasteries. They had a manuscript with rules, they cannot speak, so they had a signal language. Most of the signals in that laguage were about food, because they had a lot of food.
They prayed and work, because they thought God was going to listen to them.
The monasteries had different rooms. Its architecture was simple, they were made of stone and the had simple pillows and pointed arches. The walls were white. Inside the monasteries, the monks decorated the walls with religious paintings.

They had to feed themshelves, so they cultivated crops and practised bee-keeping.
They wrote manuscripts by hand, a very hard word.

There were fightmen outside, it was a bad world because there were wars.

The wildest Medieval Europe

In the film I can see that christianity become the most important religion. The church was organise in a pyramidal system, the Pope was at the top, then were the bishops, priests and the acons, where at the bottom.
Also monks were part of the clergy.
Clergy was mainly divided into Secular and Regular. the members of secular were those that belonged to a religious order. The members of the secular were not bond to religious rule.
The monarchy and lords donate large estates because of support to secular authorities.