jueves, 19 de marzo de 2015


      The clergy was very important and influetial for society so, the Catholic Church became the most unifying and universal institution.

      The Pope was powerful and he also was the spiritual leader, administrator and legislator (made laws).

     The bishops were appointed by the Pope. They could conduct wedding ceremonies, heard confessions, give absolution, etc.

     The priests never used to pay taxes and were not very well educated (they could read or write). They could also, as the bishops, listen to people confessions and they helped in the collection of taxes. The people in that ages thought they were the best medicine because of pure socery.

    The monks took an important part in the Middle Ages. They were well educated and worked in the monasteries copying and reading the Bible. Monks dedicated their daily lifes worshiping God, sewing, teaching and doing medicine. If in that times you wanted to be a monk, you had to give all your possesions, stay single and obey to your supperior.

     There were also nuns, who praise to God. They took care of poor people and gave traet to the sick ones. Nuns also took care of orphans or educated children.

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